Delapre Abbey.

It has been announced by the Northampton

 Borough council that BOYZONE will perform at Delapre Abbey during the summer of 2014 .JULY 20TH .6PM It will an outdoor event in the grounds of the Abbey. Tickets was priced at approx. £41.

19th July 2014 there also a concert there.

On the 18th July 2014 .The music from the Abbey could be heard over East Hunsbury.

2013 James Morrison performed at Delapre Abbey . It was a home coming for him.He had been born in Rugby but moved to Northampton and attended Kingsthorpe Middle School in 1990`s when i was head dinner supervisor at the school.I got to know him well.

The history of Delapre Abbey .

Abbey of St Mary in the meadow.

It belonged to Abbey of CLUNY-BURGUNDY FRANCE

It was one of two CLUNY abbeys for women. The other one Arthington Yorkshire.

It was founded by Earl Simon de Senlis II. 1098-1153. He married Isabel , daughter of Robert de Beaumont 2nd earl of Leicester.

His father was Simon de Senlis I Earl of Northampton and Huntingdon.

Clare Balding , TV presenter , her maternal uncle is the 17th Earl of Huntingdon


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