There are many stories of people having seen or felt  ghosts.we as a family have been in buildings were there is an unusual atmostphere.

Elm tree House in Blisworth where the family grew up in late 1950`s-1960`s. there was a cold feeling to the house and i never felt happy living in the big house. In the corner of the living room. this had formerly been two small rooms with staircase going upstairs, there was a chill in the air. nothing was ever seen. but bad feeling seem to surround the room. I felt happier sitting in the kitchen. after my friend talking to a medium. it was suggested that the house had been built on a pit where the dead had been buried during plague. Also with research i found that the Clarke family lived there and the mother and daughter both died within a short time of one another.

Other buildings with paranormal going on.

House in Stoke road . Blisworth. my daughter sensed a cupboard in an upstairs room feeling of  a baby put in there.

Delapre Abbey a ghost in the abbey

Ladies dress shop Abington Street in the cellar. the ghost interferes with anything electrical including the kettle used for making tea

 St Giles street . house. lady in white appears on stairs with two children, one each side

Grosvenor Centrehttp:// GHOSTS NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. a floating monk.

A shop in the Grosvenor centre where strange things happen.

 The shopping centre was built on ground once owned by the Greyfriars, where they built an abbey. Many people were buried there.

Royal Derngate Theatre.grey lady. this was seen by my mothers accountant who worked voluntary at the Royal Theatre.

Shipmans public house.a small pubic house in the drapery. the owner took his own life and can be seen there.

Black lion pub near the railway station in Northampton. the oldest pub in the town.the cellars and the stairs where ghosts are seen.

With the buildings in Northamptonshire so many of them are very old and must contains many more stories about ghosts.

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