Over the years we as a family have visited London many times for a day out. Also travelling by train we have used the underground service to get to a main line station to continue our journey.The journey down into the underground stations is only for the fittest of people among us. I have carried children ,luggage  even my pet dog Patch that I brought back to England from St peters port Guernsey on the escalators of the underground.

Today is the anniversary of the London bombings of underground trains, people and a London red bus full of people. It is 10 years [7/7] since it all happened. On listening  to the events as they unfolded. I felt fear and sadness that people could do this to our country. My first fear  was I would never visit London again.I decided this wouldn't happen. I would visit London again and I would get on a red London bus and visit a London main line station. My fear of going on the underground still is there and as I get older I think will stay and I will never go on a underground train again. But with courage in 2008 January I booked a train to London from Northampton. On arriviving at Euston Station I was apprehensive .I  walked to the near by bus stop and boarded a Red London bus just one stop to the British Library. The bombers had not won .I had achieved my goal. I spent a lovely day visiting the old St Pancras Church and a walk around the newly opened St Pancras Station.It was a day to remember .

july 7th 2005 the day of the bombings in London. we remember all who was injured or died and the brave people that helped out.

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